How to restore bricked Mi 5X (Tiffany)

How to unbrick Xiaomi Mi 5X

If you here it means that you’ve a hardbricked Xiaomi’s Mi 5X device in your hands and don’t know what to do next. That could happen to everyone, no need to panic. Proceed to the method below and see if that helps you!

How to restore bricked Mi 5X (Tiffany)

You may get bricked phone as result of locked bootloader with Custom ROM installed. In this case you can still use the fastboot mode and try to make official bootloader unlock using MiUnlock tool.

Another cause is related to Xiaomi Mi 5X Oxygen device. You can accidental flash any other bootloader which differs from original oxygen and hardbrick your phone. There’s a way on how to restore it Mi5X Oxygen:

  1. Download unbrick patch which includes oxygen bootloader for MiFlash. Unpack downloaded archive in new folder.
  2. Download and install latest MiFlash tool on your PC: MiFlashSetup_eng.msi
  3. Remove the back panel on your phone and look for test points and disconnect the battery. Watch the video for more details:
  4. Connect USB cable to your phone. Do not connect to PC yet.
  5. Connect the test-points (I assume that boots your device in EDL mode) and now connect your phone to PC. Go to “Device manager” and check if your device is found as “COM-port”, “Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008”).
  6. Start MiFlash tool.
  7. Press “select” and find previously unpacked “unbrick” archive.
  8. Press “refresh” and COM port should be now displayed in the list.
  9. Finally press the “flash” button to start installation process. Wait a few seconds for “flash done” and “success” messages to appear.
  10. Disconnect your device from PC and connect the battery again. Turn off.
  11. Now your device should be unbricked and you can boot without any problems.