SP Flash Tool Tutorial for Linux

How to flash Redmi Note 4 MTK on Linux OS

Here’s a small tutorial on how you can flash your Redmi Note 4 MTK device on Linux PC using the SP Flash Tool for Linux.

How to use SPFlashTool on Linux and flash Redmi Note 4 MTK (Nikel)

  1. Download SPFlashTool for Linux from this link: SP_Flash_Tool_Linux_v5.1520.00.100.tar.gz
  2. Open a terminal window and type the following commands one-by-one:
    sudo apt-get install libusb-dev
    cd (go to the path where you've downloaded the SpFlashTool)
    tar -xvzf SP_Flash_Tool_Linux_v5.1520.00.100.tar.gz
    cd SP_Flash_Tool_Linux_v5.1520.00.100
    chmod +x flash_tool.sh
    chmod +x flash_tool
    sudo ./flash_tool
  3. After you’ve entered all the commands, SPFlashTool should be installed on your PC and the shortcut should appear in the list of all applications.
    1. Now let’s prepare your PC before connecting a Redmi Note 4 MTK device to it.
      1. Open terminal and enter the following commands:
      2. Disable USB connection security:
        sudo apt remove modemmanager
      3. Check by typing:
        lsmod | grep cdc_acm
      4. In case nothing happened after the previous line, try entering:
        sudo modprobe cdc_acm
      5. Now add the user account to “dialout” and “uucp” groups:
        sudo adduser "user_name" uucp
        sudo adduser "user_name" dialout
      6. Now we will need to create “51-android.rules” file. To do this turn off your phone first, then connect it to PC via USB and type the following command in terminal:
        dmesg | grep usb
      7. You should see “New USB device found idVendor=0e8d, idProduct=2000” and few other lines as well. Pay attention to “idVendor=0e8d, idProduct=2000” line.
      8. Now create the new text file on your PC and name it “51-android.rules”, open with text editor and add this line, where idVendor and idProduct values are taken from the ones in terminal.
        SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="0e8d", ATTR{idProduct}=="2000"
      9. Save changes and copy “51-android.rules” file to etc/udev/rules.d/, use the following command to do this:
        sudo cp 51-android.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
      10. Reboot permissions to confirm changes:
        sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
    2. Now we want to check if everything was done correctly and check if the device is recognized successfully. Turn off your phone and connect to PC via USB-cable.
    3. Type the following command in terminal:
    4. You should see “ttyACMO: USB ACM device” line in terminal. That means everything was done correctly and you can finally start with flashing your smartphone.
  4. Open SP Flash Tool.
  5. Select all required option, in Download enable “DA DL All with Checksum” option.
  6. Select scatter file for required ROM, press “Download” and connect turned off device to PC.
  7. Wait until flashing process is completed.

Hope this tutorial will be helpful! Remember to backup all your personal and important data from your phone.