Which fingerprint sensor on Xiaomi Redmi 4X / Prime

How to identify fingerprint sensor model on Redmi 4X

Here’s a quick tutorial on how you can identify the fingerprint scanner model on your Xiaomi Redmi 4X and Redmi 4 Prime phone.

Which fingerprint sensor is Xiaomi Redmi 4X / Prime uses?

First method:

  1. Download and install Android Terminal Emulator: Terminal_1.0.70.apk
  2. Open Android Terminal Emulator and enter these commands:
    getprop | grep goodix
  3. If you see “persist.sys.fp.goodix=0” that means you have FPC fingerprint sensor on your device, if you see “persist.sys.fp.goodix=1” you have Goodix Fingerprint sensor on your Redmi phone.

Second method:

  1. Enter this command:
    getprop | grep -E 'goodix|fpsensor'
  2. If you have FPC fingerprint sensor, then you should see:
    [persist.sys.fp.goodix]: [0]
    [ro.boot.fpsensor]: [fpc]
  3. If Goodix fingerprint sensor, then:
    [persist.sys.fp.goodix]: [1]
    [persist.sys.fp.vendor]: [goodix]
    [ro.boot.fpsensor]: [gdx]

That’s pretty much it! The easy and simple way to identify a fingerprint sensor on your Redmi 4X / Prime phone.